

Philippe Archambault

Philippe Archambault is an occupational therapist and Associate Professor at McGill University. He has expertise in neuroscience and in technology, including robotics and virtual reality. He is interested in the use of technology in rehabilitation, specifically mobility aids, virtual reality, serious games and robotics.

Current students / post-docs

Jules Lavoie

Jules is a Master's student in the Integrated Neuroscience Program at McGill University. He completed a bachelor's degree in cognitive sciences at Carleton University in Ottawa, including a semester abroad at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia. Passionate about the human and medical sciences, he aspires to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams to improve rehabilitation and neuroscience practices. His research project uses a dynamic wheelchair simulator to validate and identify biofeedback methods for manual wheelchair users. These methods aim to improve manual propulsion techniques while reducing the risk of injury. Through this research, he hopes to integrate these innovative approaches into rehabilitation to optimize the quality of life of wheelchair users.

Sofia Lytvyn-Male

Sofia is a kinesiologist and current MSc student in the Rehabilitation Sciences program at McGill University. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology at Concordia University in 2023 and shortly after, passed the exam for the Fédération des Kinésiologues du Québec (FKQ). Sofia is particularly interested in advancing her knowledge of the development of targeted interventions that can help stroke survivors regain independence and improve their quality of life. Her passion for stroke rehab stems from her extensive experience working with post-stroke patients in both hospital and in-home settings. As she begins her research with Dr. Philippe Archambault, she hopes to explore innovative approaches with a focus on virtual reality technology.

Salman Nourbakhsh

Salman is a phd candidate in rehabilitation sciences. His background is in mechanical engineering. He graduated from ETS, Montreal, with a master of science in automated manufacturing engineering in 2016. His passion in health along with his background in engineering, motivated him to do his PhD in an interdisciplinary project: the application of technology in rehabilitation science. Salman wishes to be able to contribute to enhance human quality of life.

Eden Redman

Eden is a MSc student in the Integrated Program in Neuroscience at McGill University. He is concurrently completing a BA in Fine Arts and Design and holds a previous BSc (2018), both from the University of Alberta. Eden is guided by a passion for creating and disseminating accessible neurotechnology. His Master's project focuses on developing and validating a novel low-cost upper extremity rehabilitation tool for individuals following stroke.

Neshat Rudman

Neshat is an occupational therapist and an MSc student in the Integrated Program in Neuroscience, at McGill university. She obtained her BSc. and MSc in occupational therapy and has worked as an occupational therapist for over ten years, pursuing her passion for helping patients and improving human health and wellbeing. She has always been motivated by using technology in rehabilitation, and her occupational therapy Master thesis was on using video games on stroke patients’ postural control and fear of falling. At McGill, she is working under the supervision of Professor Philippe Archambault on the usability of wearable devices to monitor stroke patients’ activities of daily living.

Suhantee Sathananthan
Suhantee Sathananthan

Suhantee Sathananthan is a PhD student in Rehabilitation at McGill University. She brings nearly ten years of experience as an Occupational Therapist, having worked in various healthcare settings, including acute care hospitals, CLSC home care, and rehabilitation centers in cities such as Timmins, Quebec City, and Montreal. In addition to her occupational therapy role, she previously served as a respiratory therapist at St-Mary's Hospital in an acute care setting for five years. She has successfully completed her national board examinations, including CAOT, New York State Occupational therapy, and OEQ.
Currently, Suhantee is working under the supervision of Dr. Philippe Archambault on a project aimed at Promoting the Use of Public Transportation by People with Disabilities through Participatory Research in partnership with ARTM and STM.

Petroula Sigounis

Petroula is a physiotherapist and a MSc student in the Rehabilitation Sciences program, at McGill University. She obtained her BSc in Physiotherapy from the International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki, Greece and worked as a clinician for over a year. Her research interests include the use of virtual reality technologies for gait improvement in stroke rehabilitation. She aspires to help stroke survivors achieve a better ambulation in the community.

Alexandra Tessier
Alexandra Tessier

Alexandra is a research professional and recent postdoctoral fellow at McGill University. She is a speech-language pathologist by training and holds a doctorate in biomedical sciences, speech-language pathology option, from the Université de Montréal. Her research interests include interventions to facilitate access to public transport and employment for people with disabilities. Alexandra favors partnership-based research, a social conception of disability and projects with practical, concrete spin-offs to achieve a more inclusive society for people with disabilities.

Past students / post-docs

Antony Shruti Predhep

Antony Shruti is a graduate student in the Rehabilitation Sciences program with a background in Biomedical engineering. She is always fascinated with assistive technologies and how they make ADLs possible for individuals with diverse needs. This has led to the collaborative project with Université Laval and under the supervision of Philippe Archambault. With a focus on a user-centred design approach, her project deals with a Handwriting Assistive Aid (HAD) and how it could be utilized as an early intervention for children with writing difficulties due to physical and cognitive impairments and other neurological disorders. She hopes to make a difference by building a more resilient and inclusive future through assistive technology.

Karine Latulippe

Karine is an occupational therapist and completed her postdoctoral fellowship at McGill University. She holds a master's degree in organizational management from the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi and a doctorate in educational technology from Université Laval. She has more than 10 years of professional experience as an occupational therapist with various clienteles and 5 years in university teaching. She collaborates on various projects in the field of rehabilitation, digital health and gerontechnology. She values qualitative and participatory research. Her postdoctoral project focused on the identification of empirical indicators of different factors that must be integrated into the design of eHealth tools to be inclusive. She currently holds a faculty position at TELUQ

Farnaz Ghazali Jahromi

Farnaz was a graduate student in Rehabilitation Sciences with a background in Physical Therapy. She has about 3 years of professional experience as a physical therapist. Her project aimed to measure the conscious perception of error augmentation during reaching task in healthy and poststroke population. She hopes this research will improve upper extremity rehabilitation for individuals following stroke.

Fadi Chaar

Fadi Chaar completed his master's at McGill University in rehabilitation science in the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy. He has a bachelors in Kinesiology, where he specialized in clinical exercise physiology. His love for rehabilitation started when his father suffered a stroke and he had little knowledge as to how to help him. His project was a mixed method study based on the validation of the MiWe manual wheelchair system by clinician and expert wheelchair users.

Hui (Harriet) Yan

Harriet completed her Master's in the Integrated Program of Neuroscience at McGill University. She also completed her undergraduate studies in physiology at McGill. Her Master's project aims to study the effects of augmented feedback on motor learning of manual wheelchair propulsion technique, using the miWe simulator. She hopes that this research will help to prevent chronic upper limb pain in manual wheelchair users.

Rabail Khowaja

Rabail completed her Master's in Rehabilitation Sciences at McGill University. Her project was related to the validation of the manual wheelchair simulator for the measurement of propulsion biomechanics.

Nahid Norouzi

Nahid has a BSc in Occupational Therapy, MSc in NeuroKinetic and PhD in Rehabilitation Science. During her PhD, she developed a novel robot-assisted training protocol, named as "assist-as-asked", which helps stroke patients with moderate-to-severe upper extremity impairments to regain motor function of their paretic arm. Nahid's area of research is on upper extremity rehabilitation of individuals with stroke using robotics and exergaming.